Snakebite Treatment Training for Doctors in Jhargram

06 March 2023

HEAL, in collaboration with Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV), recently organised a seminar for around 50 village doctors in Lalgarh, Jhargram district on 06 March 2023. The aim of the program was to empower village doctors with requisite knowledge and essential skills to manage snake bite cases, which are quite common in Jhargram.

HEAL Secretary Suvrajyoti Chatterjee conducting a session in the snakebite management training programme

Rural areas in Jhargram lack accessible medical facilities, which compels villagers to seek assistance from village doctors who may not have the adequate resources or knowledge to provide proper treatment. In response to this issue, the idea of empowering the ‘first line of defence’ against snake bites — the village doctors — was conceived.

The seminar was conducted by Suvrajyoti Chatterjee who provided valuable insights on the accepted protocols for providing treatment to snakebite victims. He was accompanied by team members Jayanta Chakraborty, Bapi Mahato, Bappa Mahato, and Susanjit Saha. BSV also offered relevant technical information on anti-venom serums.

The participants reacted positively to the training that was imparted to them. They were hopeful that the newfound knowledge would enable them to save countless lives in their communities.