Awareness Seminar on Snake bite Prevention at Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute

04 December 2023

Amidst the expanding concrete landscape of Kolkata, green campuses such as that of the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, stand as last bastions of intact urban biodiversity, which includes snakes. Lately, the frequent sightings of these reptiles have caused considerable unease among both students and the teaching faculty.

Following an initial encounter with HEAL during the rescue of a bronzeback tree snake on the campus, Ms. Madhavi Tangela, a faculty member at the institute, invited us to conduct an awareness seminar on snake identification and snake bite management, on 04 December 2023. The seminar was conducted by team members: Suvrajyoti Chatterjee, Vasudha Mishra, Santanu Das, Durba Mitra and Ritu Halder.

During the seminar, after discussing the various venomous and non-venomous snakes that inhabit the campus, the audience was educated about the essential first aid measures for snake bite victims. The aim was to alleviate fears about snakes and foster safe practices, ensuring harmonious coexistence between the human and serpentine inhabitants of the campus.

Team HEAL beginning the seminar

We extend our gratitude to the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute and Ms.Tangela for providing us with the opportunity to inspire and educate young minds about snakes, thereby helping the campus remain a sanctuary for these often-misunderstood reptiles.

Team member Vasudha Mishra talking about the behavioural ecology of the Common Krait, a highly venomous snake responsible for numerous snake bite cases in India
HEAL’s Secretary Suvrajyoti Chatterjee, explaining the appropriate first aid protocol for snake bite accidents