Snake & Snakebite Management Workshop at Sanjeeva Gardens

30 July 2023

Ever since the death of two individuals in Kolkata’s Newtown Action Area – III due to snakebite in early July, the residents of the locality have been in a state of unwarranted panic and heightened fear.

In an effort to reduce this fear, HEAL organised a Snake Awareness and Snakebite Mitigation Workshop at Sanjeeva Gardens, Newtown, on 30 July 2023. It was conducted by team members Suvrajyoti Chatterjee, Arka Sarkar and Santanu Das.

The workshop commenced with an introductory session about the various venomous and non-venomous snakes commonly found in the area and their general ecology. This was followed by a discussion on the science-based methods of reducing interactions with snakes. In the event that an individual sustains a snakebite, the correct protocol to follow and the practices to avoid were also shared with the audience.

HEAL Secretary Suvrajyoti Chatterjee conducting the workshop
Arka Sarkar, President HEAL, addressing the audience
Workshop participants listening to the presentation with rapt attention

It is hoped that through these informative sessions, the knowledge gained about snakes and snakebite management will help build tolerance among the residents of Sanjeeva Gardens, enabling them to coexist peacefully with these ecologically vital reptiles.