HEAL’s 7th Foundation Day Anniversary Celebration

13 January 2024

This year marks the completion of seven incredible years for HEAL as a conservation organization. The joy and gratitude that this milestone has brought us must be shared with our members, who have consistently cheered us on and enabled us to surpass our perceived limits.

On January 13, 2024, we extended an invitation to all our wonderful members for a heartwarming get-together. The purpose was to reflect on the achievements of the past year, appreciate the valuable lessons learned, and set our sights on the goals for another amazing and eventful year ahead.

HEAL members present at the Foundation Day Anniversary celebration
Aditya Banerjee, Project Officer at HEAL, giving a presentation on the work carried out by HEAL in the past one year
The audience members giving all their attention to the topics being discussed

To add a special touch to the day for our members, we organized an exclusive screening of the conservation docu-film, ‘Catapults to Camera’, crafted by the talented Ashwika Kapur, who is also a valued part of our tribe.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our members for being an integral part of this inspiring journey! Together, we eagerly anticipate many more fulfilling years dedicated to conserving India’s natural heritage.

Ashwika Kapur, felicitating our local field team from Murshidabad for their unwavering dedication to conserve local wetland biodiversity
Audience members watching ‘Catapults to Camera’ during the special screening